Due to high demand, some custom pillows may be delayed. Because of that we offer a 10% discount with the discount code DELAYED

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Yourzzz pillow

After you have easily customized the pillow at home for your posture and sleeping position, you can personalize the pillow even further. The pillow has a softer and a firmer side, so simply turn the pillow over if you want to switch in softness. The pillow also has a special side for sidesleepers and one that is suitable for back and stomach sleepers. This way you always get the most optimal support!
The cover is made of cooling and comfortable bamboo.

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About Yourzzz pillow

How does it work?

With our user-friendly algorithm you can easily determine how much filling your pillow needs to support you in the best way. Take the online test; this indicates exactly how much filling you need to remove from the pillow to make your perfectly fitting pillow.

Pillow animation
  • Minder nekklachten
  • Optimaal comfort
  • Een betere nachtrust
  • 100% premium memoryfoam
  • Aanpasbaar aan jouw maat
Huge improvement in my sleep, it truly stays cool all night and just firm enough all night! And great customer service! 100% would recommend trying it out